Multiplier Events-bg

E1 Nano-Code Digital University Aula – contribution to inclusive blended learning based on EQF/NQFs and ECTS principles

The multiplier event organized by Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” has been held on the 12th of January, 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria. 40 participants joined the event being representatives of the academic/HE community – tutors and MSc students. The main objective of this event was to explain to the project target groups how EQF/NQFs and ECTS principles and instruments can contribute to design qualifications to suit Nano-Code specific themes and how they can be used to facilitate the recognition and validation of knowledge, skills, autonomy-responsibility acquired through digital teaching/learning. Within the frame of the event agenda, presentation and pilot exploitation of the digitally enhanced Nano-Code curriculum (O1 – O4) was realized. All participants were encouraged to test the diversified HE Learning Pathways in the e-teaching environment through the Fast Digital Organizer for teaching/learning on demand (O3 – O5). Another important topic emphasized was the impact of digital technologies and blended learning approach based on free e-based platforms as a source of online education. During the event, a special presentation was made on the contemporary strategies used in the modernization of HEIs attracting highly qualified members of HEIs for up-skilling and knowledge gaining via the specialized e-teaching/learning offered by Nano-Code in the field of nanotechnologies. At the end of the event, each respondent completed a questionnaire answering questions about the technical organization and the subject-specific issues presented. The respondents’ data were reviewed and improvements of the probated Nano-Code intellectual outputs were recommended. The focus on the representatives from the formal educational settings allowed future implementation of at least partial content of the elaborated DEC at a University level. The impact of the event on the participates and the project results use is connected with explanation of the teaching/learning strategies and approaches of the innovative digitally enhanced curriculum in nanotechnology to fight COVID-19, clarification of the “HE LPs” concept as an expansion of formal educational options and application of ULOs principle in their assembly, and implementation of ECTS model for trainees’ success evaluation. This helped for reaching the sustainability of the developed results and made prospects for future implementation of the DEC into the HE system in Bulgaria.

E4 Implementation of the digital competence concept in teaching/learning process

The event was organized by P4 – SOKO Institute. It was performed during 12th – 15th February 2023 in Bielefeld, Germany. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, almost 2-years restrictions for personal meetings and face-to-face communications, the institute staff suffered from a significant loss of contacts and professional relationships that impost limited possibilities to contact the University of Bielefeld through teaching. The planned performance of the Nano-Code multiplier event with a target audience from this HEI, as a gathering meeting, was prevented. Therefore, an alternative approach was implemented, to present the Nano-Code achievements and evaluate the teaching/learning materials and other resources developed in the frame of the project. Individual sessions (as personal interviews) with representatives of the direct project target groups were performed. Academics, teachers/trainers, and students from related to the Nano-Code professional areas, were invited to the interview sessions. The main objective of these individual sessions was to raise awareness in the digital competence in teaching/learning process concept implementation as a modern approach for using the teaching/learning opportunities offered by the project. All intellectual outputs (O1 – O5) and their relevant representation on the website (DUA, DEC, digital organizer, digital competence concept) accompanied by the appropriate dissemination materials in German language (brochure, leaflet, flyers) were introduced. A total of 9 people were involved in the Nano-Code popularisation and evaluation process. With each of the participants, discussions were held on the demands of modern teaching/learning in Nano-Code project subject area with emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching/learning in digital era, the subject-related benefits for the trainees in e-teaching/learning nanotechnology to fight COVID-19, joining practical advantages with teaching/learning possibilities through the e-learning offerings. The interview sessions were based on the questions form the dedicated questionnaire for feed-back gathering elaborated by the project consortium. Each session lasted approximately 2-3 hours. Special attention was paid to the ethical and social issues associated with nanotechnology techniques applications in the novel mRNA vaccines development. Although the Multiplier event was organized in a non-conventional way, the popularization of the training achievements of Nano-Code project helped in better recognizing the project at local level and contributed to spreading project ideas among interested groups in Germany. The gathered and processed respondents’ data indicated expressed interest in the Nano-Code deliverables. This activity encouraged the German team to launch discussions on the possibilities for integration of some parts of the DEC in several vocational schools in Germany.

E5 Nanotechnology vs. COVID 19: applicability of Nano-Code digitally enhanced curriculum

The workshop was performed on 13th of February 2023 in Astros, Greece by the project partner P5 European Institute for Evolution & Integration (ΕΙΕΟ). Forty-seven participants took part in the event, among which the majority (38 persons) were representatives of HEIs – academic professionals and students working/educated in Biology, Agricultural Science, Economics, Ecology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Business Administration. The rest of the attendees encompass broad sectoral representation – R&D professionals, SMEs, NGOs, and local competent authority staff. The event’s mission was to join various target groups representatives and exchange opinions about COVID-19 situation and contribution of Nano-Code project on the subject with innovative education approaches. The main topics of the event focused on sharing and multiplication of O1-O5 with emphasis on the Nano-Code project and its achievements overview, Nano-Code Digital University Aula operation and functionalities, innovative aspects of the e-teaching/learning curriculum in terms of content and structure, and use of Nano-Code Fast Digital Organizer for education on demand. A round table discussions were held on the possibilities to implement some of the LOs or the entire DEC in the educational activities of the Institute. A subject of particular interest was the comparative analysis initiated by the participants involved in businesses private sector. They appreciated from the economic point of view the assumption that due to COVID-19 crisis all levels of education decreased, especially in sciences, and that tertiary education provided as distance learning vs. case of natural presence guarantee less harmful effects on its quality. All the participants expressed great interest in the project and agreed that this is probably the only effort at European level for a digital HE model, joining COVID-19 pandemic subject, new high throughput technologies for its manipulation, and advanced educational approaches for HE. Dissemination of project deliverables and their impact on HE in the sector was achieved through the distribution of the Nano-Code brochure, leaflet, and flyers in GR language. At the end of the event all participants shared their positive evaluation of the Nano-Code DUA effectiveness, considering that the learning material will increase the awareness to the significance of the new development strategies and tools for HE.

E6 Nano-Code innovative model for digital higher education: promoting the remote gaining of knowledge

This multiplier event was organized by Aksaray University (P6) and held in Aksaray, Türkiye, on 17th of February 2023. The main objective of the event was to share the produced intellectual outputs (O1-O5) and multiply their use to various end-users with emphasis on the innovative model for digital higher education that can promote the remote gaining of knowledge. A total of 33 participants (24 women and 9 men) attended the meeting, among which teaching professionals (professors, associate and assistance professors) in biotechnology, biology, and healthcare (nurses, health management, emergency aid and disaster management), as well as representatives of the distance education centre staff and administrative staff (information processing).
During the event, the presentation of all intellectual outputs, web-site promotion-use, QR code sharing, suggestion and criticism were successful. The following specific subjects were shared with the participants: information about the project achievements, presentation of the knowledge content of the e-teaching/learning curriculum, studying the curriculum potential to nanotechnology approaches in COVID-19 fighting, application of the elaborated specific guide for exploitation of the digital teaching/learning curriculum.
The use and dissemination of the Nano-Code project were achieved, both in the epidemic period and in distance education due to the earthquake, their proficiency estimated as essential. It was emphasized that the introduction and training of the Nano-Code project was very beneficial.
The data from the questionnaires filled in by the participants and the free discussion of the approaches Nano-Code project offers to translate knowledge into practical applications through teaching/learning of the next-generation technology shaped the vision that it would be beneficial to develop projects related to the use of nanotechnology in other fields such as agriculture and earthquake management.